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NMIXX-Red light sign,but we go 中字

by Milk倉 2024. 8. 19.

아무도 날 이해할 수 없대 out of control

더 크게 키워

두근대는 엔진의 소음


겁 없이 움켜쥔 oh yeah

無所畏懼地緊握 oh yeah
my steering wheel
날 믿고 take a seat, oh

相信我吧 take a seat, oh
Let’s go

Crystal 같은  starlight 찾아

尋找Crystal般的 starlight

가로질러 run away

就這樣橫越 run away

삐딱하다 욕해 OK

拐著彎咒罵我   OK
I love it when I,
when I, when I, when I

Do what I want
날 막는 hurdle 전부 back, back it up

攔著我的 hurdle 全都 back, back it up
더 높게 뛰어올라 Can’t stop me now

跳向更高之處 Can’t stop me now
쉼 없이 runnin’ runnin’ all night long

不停歇地 runnin’ runnin’ all night long
Oh red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go
Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go
Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go

Don't touch
불보다 뜨겁지

속도 위 feel the thrill

在這速度之上 feel the thrill
너의 fear 전부 .zip 전부 .zip

將你的 fear 全部 .zip 全部 .zip

어딘가 삐딱한 our vibe

有些反常的 our vibe
환영해 비난의 화살

Yeah we're already alright
We're already alright

Canvas 같은 길을 밟아

有如 Canvas 踩著我腳下的路
반짝이는 starry way

璀璨奪目的 starry way

위험하면 어때 OK

即使危險又如何 OK
I love it when I,
when I, when I, when I

Do what I want

날 막는 hurdle 전부 back, back it up

攔著我的 hurdle 全都 back, back it up
더 높게 뛰어올라 Can’t stop me now

跳向更高之處 Can’t stop me now
쉼 없이 runnin’ runnin’ all night long

不停歇地 runnin’ runnin’ all night long
Oh red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go
Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go
Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go

Red light sign, but we go

(어딘가 삐딱한 our vibe)

(有些反常的 our vibe)

Red light, red light, but we go
(환영해 비난의 화살)

Red light sign, but we go
(Yeah we're already alright)
Red light, red light, but we go
(We're already alright)

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go
(내가 정한 길엔 no doubt)

(我所決定的路 no doubt)
Red light sign, but we go
(앞이 어두워도 nonstop)

(就算前方黯淡無光 nonstop)
Red light, red light, but we go
(끝까지 가 touchdown)

(走向最後 touchdown)

Red light sign, but we go
Red light, red light, but we go

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